Survey Results (summary)

You can view a summery of the results of one of your surveys by clicking on the view summery button in the Surveys section of the admin.

This will show the number of times you have requested a player fill out a survey and the number of responses you have recevied. It will then show a brief summery for each question. To view all the survey responses individually you can click the view responses link or if you want to see all the answers to a specific question then click the three dots in the top right corner of the question card and select "View Answers".

Each type of question has a different summery card. For "Sentiment Score" questions we show a score that is the number of "promoters" (players who answered 9 or 10 or the 10 point scale) minus the number of "detractors" (players who answered 6 or less), you can also compare scores for your rooms or GMs on this card. For "Choices" questions we show a bar chart and for "Paragraph" and "Short Text" we show a word cloud.

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